Detailed answers to your most common questions.

Cost and payment

How much can I expect a GE-MED visit to cost?
All of our consultations are billed according to the current tarrifs defined by TarMed, the unique federal tarrif that applies to Swiss medical services.  The cost of the visit (defined by TarMed) depends on the time of day, the duration of the consultation and the doctor’s travel time to your location.  Any eventual expense to the patient will be determined by the deductible and participation percentage (quote-part) specific to each insurance policy.  Please contact our call center for any further questions.
How do I pay for my GE-MED consultation?
Following the visit, GE-MED will send a bill directly to your home, payable within 30 days.  A duplicate copy of this bill will be included to submit to your insurance company for reimbursement.
Will GE-MED send my bill directly to me or to my insurance company?
We will send the bill directly to you, along with a duplicate copy to submit to your insurance company for reimbursement.  In certain cases, the bill will be sent directly to your insurer.
If I require additional exams, will I be billed directly by the outside provider or will it be included in my GE-MED bill?
If additional exams or medications are prescribed, they will be billed to you separately by the outside provider.